Flat Strapping (Flat Stock)
Flat strapping, also known as flat stock, is a type of strapping material that is characterized by its flat shape and smooth surface. It is commonly made from materials such as steel or plastic, and is used to secure and bundle items for transport or storage. Flat strapping can be used in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, and logistics, and is available in various widths and thicknesses to suit different applications.
- Designation: Width-FS- Gauge
- Stock widths: 2”, 4”, 6”
- Length: 10’ Standard (Alt. Lengths Available, ie. 8‘)
Installation Instructions
Provides tension force resistance in shear wall assemblies
- Backing plates for fixtures, railings and where ever additional pullout strength is required
- Resists racking of prefabricated wall assemblies while handling, transporting, and erecting

Code Compliance

- AISI North American Specification [NASPEC] S100-07 with 2010 supplement
- IBC 2006, 2009 & 2012 Compliant
- Member of the Steel Framing Industry Association
- Ta for flat strap, allowable tension
Our Certifications & Affiliations
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